Saturday, June 19, 2010

Our First Egg!!!!!

One of the chickens laid her very first egg today. It's tiny, about half the size of a regular egg. They say the first eggs can be small and/or misshapen, so I'm expecting later eggs will be more normal size. Judging from the color, it was probably Molly, but it could be that Typhoid Mary's dark brown coloring for the eggs isn't working yet. Kate was home at the time and she tells me that the two chickens freaked out for a bit, and when she went outside later, she found an egg on the bricks where the potted plants are.

We have some bad news. Well, it's good news for the neighbors probably, but I'm going to have to get rid of Typhoid Mary, aka the Marans. She is just too noisy for an urban chicken run. She has always been a complainer, honking incessantly for minutes at a time, often and loudly. Lately she has taken to crowing(!) in the morning, which is just unacceptable. Apparently crowing hens are not uncommon. The woman I got her from is OK with me taking her back to them, and while I'm there I can pick out a quieter (hopefully) companion for Molly. If it's still too noisy back there, I will have to consider giving the chickens up entirely. I really hope it doesn't come to that.

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